July-Sept, 2017 Kuriti (Harmful practice) violence report

July-Sept, 2017 Kuriti (Harmful practice) violence report

Improper Culture, a complex and multifaceted process debated in different areas of knowledge, is an experience that has accompanied people since their existence. The challenges are enormous both individually and collectively. These challenges afflict Nepal in several ways that defy the normal means that we have been understanding and conceptualizing culture and religion for long period.

Society for Humanism (SOCH) Nepal is publishing the findings of media monitoring on Kuriti practice between July to September 2017.

During this quarter (July-Sept 2017), there were 43 cases of kuriti and 62 articles were written against kuritiwhich were published in different newspapers. There were one case of jibro chidne pratha, polygamy andhaliya pratha, two cases of bali pratha and child marriage, four cases  of boxi pratha (witch-hunting), six cases of superstition in general, seven cases on chaupadi pratha and gender discrimination and twelve cases on untouchability.

Unfortunately, 7 persons (two man and five women) lost their lives and 7 persons were mentally abused, 17 persons (9 men and 8 women) were physically beaten by the abuser during the reporting period.

The constitution of Nepal has different laws and policies against kuriti practice but still the result is pathetic as in the last quarter the cases reported on kuriti were 34 whereas this time the reported kuriti cases were 43. Therewere no FIR registered at local police in most of the Kuriti incidents, instead those are negotiated among the village members. In many cases victims are re-victimized by the local people instead of assuring justice.  In this way, perpetrators are encouraged and freed multiple times without realizing guilt. 

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