Sajha Sabha in Kathmandu

SOCH Nepal convened a Sajha Sabha on September 23, 2018 in coordination with Kageshwori Manohara Municipality, Kathmandu. Provincial Parliamentarian Mr. Maniram Phuyal chaired the Sajha Sabha. Former member of Constitutional Assembly Mr. Depak Kuinkel, USAID governance advisor Mr. Krishna Pathak and invited as guest of the event. The total of 69 participants (19 female) including the Mayor, deputy Mayor, ward chiefs, Municipality bureaucrats, the media representatives, Common Assembly members, LDAG members as well as representatives from the HEAD network participated in the event. The Sabha was primarily focused on issues related to Health, Agriculture, Education and scholarship distribution and DRR. Program was facilitated by program advisor of SOCH Nepal Mr. Uttam Niraula.
The Mayor of Kagesori Manohara committed to provide the following:
1. Municipality made commitment to provide 24 hours service in the Birthing Centre of Thali.
2. Due to Earthquake 2015, the land of the wards 1, 2, and 3 of Kageshwari Manohara cracked which generate high concern of people about the possible risk in future. Addressing the problem, the Municipality made commitment to invite experts from NRA for the field survey. Based on the findings of field survey, the Municipality will take initiation to shift the settlements to other place as per the need.
3. The issue of unfiltered supply of water by the Dachi Bhadrabas Khane Pani Samiti was often raised in CA and Coalition Meeting; the municipality will take initiation to install Treatment Plant as soon as possible.
4. Municipality agreed to increase the subsidies grant on hybrid yield (seeds) to increase agriculture productivity and livelihood of the people of Kageshwari Manohara Municipality.
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