Yearly Archives - 2018

SOCH builds CIAA mobile app.

SOCH Nepal has build the user friendly mobile application for Commission for Investigation for Abuse of Authority (CIAA). CIAA is the  only constitutional body to fight corruption throughout Nepal. Mobile App can be used utilizing SMS, USSD, Telephone and internet service alternatively. The Application can be downloaded from the android play store to submit the complaints.   The application is aimed for: a.     Make client available multiple sources of complaint mechanism (SMS, USSD, IVR, Web-based) b.     Provide instant complaint registration system in CIAA c.     Make automatic response to clients tracking for...

SOCH Nepal influences on quality education in kageshwori

CA meeting dated March 28, 2018, questioned the transparency of scholarship to the students to Dalit and poor children. In addition, the meeting discussed the miserable quality of the public education. Economically marginalized local are forced to send their children to private school paying high fees crossing the free public school next door due to poorquality of education in public schools. SOCH Nepal raised that issue to the Mayor of the Kageshwori Manohara. The municipality took the issue seriously and discussed with the...

Gorkha Sajha Sabha demands fulfilled

Most of the commitments made by the local representatives in Sajha Sabha (Public Forum) at Gorkha Municipality on March 29, 2017 have been seen fulfilled until the date. The Sajha sabha was held by SOCH Nepal in collaboration with Gorkha Municipality and Federation of Nepali Journalist (FNJ) which was chaired by the Mayor of Gorkha Municipality Mr. Rajan Raj Panta where  at least 120 people were participated. Following issues were raised by public and civil society organizations in that Sajha Sabha which...

LDAG makes health-Post functional

Locals from Jyamire almost stopped visiting village health-post due to losing the confidence of able to meet Health-post staff. They had to either return home bearing the disease or go to town (headquarter) spending 2 hours for the treatment. After SOCH Nepal's formation of LDAG on June 2017, the members of LDAG are able to learn about health as a fundamental right, government to be accountable to ensure the basic health facilities, right to information, participation on planning and budgeting etc. The facilitator,...

A Model Initiation on Waste Management

Issue of Waste Management has been mainstream issue in city area these days as waste has made negative impact on local people's health. The concern of waste management was raised in the Common Assembly meeting of Gorkha municipality-8 since most of the members were confused about what to do with the home based waste, which was lying stinky every day. Considering the concern raised by CA members, SOCH Nepal initiated a wakeup call to organize skill training on waste management. Local...

CA returns Public Ambulance

 SOCH Nepal conducted Social Audit on April 11, 2018 to see the effectiveness of service delivery of Health post. The audit revealed the fact that the health-post in-charge had been illegally renting the ambulance for more than three years without consulting the Management Committee of health-post. With the initiation and intervention of CA and ward chair, the health-post in-charge immediately returned the ambulance to the health-post. Locals were compelled to pay high rate to private rented ambulance despite locally owing public...

विद्यालको पुननिर्माणको कार्य सुचारु गराउन गाउँपालिकालाई ज्ञापनपत्र

ओखलढुङ्गान्युज, कात्तिक १५ भदौरे । भदौरेका स्थानीय नागरिकहरुले आफ्नो वडामा निर्माणाधिन अवस्थामा रहेको विद्यालको पुननिर्माणको कार्य सुचारु गराउन माग गर्दै बुधवार गाउँपालिकालाई ज्ञापनपत्र पेश गरेका छन् । चिशंखुगढि गाउँपालिका वडा नं. ६ का वडा अध्यक्ष कृष्ण बहादुर क्याप्छाकी मगर मार्फत चिशंखुगढि गाउँपालिका प्रमुखलाई ज्ञापनपत्र बुझाईएको स्थानीय सभाका अध्यक्ष लाल कुमार आले मगरले जानकारी दिनुभयो । बुधवार मात्रै पारस्पारिक जवाफदेहिता परियोजना अन्तर्गत सोच नेपालले चिशंखुगढी गाउँपालिका वडा नं. ६ भदौेरेमा गठन गरेको स्थानीय सभाको बैठक बसेको थियो । बैठकमा सहभागीहरुले लामो समय वितिसक्दा...

यातायात व्यवसायीहरुले सहुलियत नदिएको जेष्ठ नागरिकको गुनासो

जेष्ठ नागरिक परिचय पत्र भएका नेपाली नागरिकहरुलाई नेपाल सरकाले प्रदान गरेको सहुलियत यातायात व्यवसायीहरुले नदिएको ओखलढुंगाका जेष्ठ नागरिकहरुले गुनासो गरेका छन् । जिल्ला भित्र र जिल्ला बाहिर चल्ने यातायात साधनहरुले यात्रा गर्दा भाडामा सहुलियत नदिएको उनीहरुको गुनासो छ । ६० वर्ष उमेर पार गरी जेष्ठ नागरिक परिचयपत्र लिएका नागरीकहरुले सार्वजनिक यातायतका साधनमा ५० प्रतिशत छुट पाउनु पर्ने भए पनि ओखलढुङ्गमा जिल्लाबाट जिल्ला बाहिर र जिल्ला भित्रै सञ्चालन हुने कुनै पनि यातायात साधनहरुले जेष्ठ नागरिक परियचपत्रको अधारमा छुट नदिएको जेष्ठ नागरिक संघ...

भूकम्पले क्षति भएका विद्यालयहरुको पुननिर्माणमा तिव्रता दिन नागरिक संस्थाहरुको माग

काठमाडौँ । भूकम्पका कारण क्षतिग्रस्त विद्यालयको पुननिर्माणका लागि सहयोग घोषणा गरेका मुलुक लगायत तथा विभिन्न दातृनिकायले प्रतिबद्धता अनुसार काम नगरेकोप्रति बिभिन्न नागरिक संस्थाहरुले ध्यानाकर्षण भएको जनाएका छन् । सोच नेपाल लगायत देशभरका १७ वटा नागरिक संस्थाका ३४ भन्दा बढी जिल्लामा क्रियाशिल अभियानकर्मीहरुले बुधबार संयुक्त विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै सो असन्तुष्टि जनाएका हुन् । नेपालमा २०७२ साल बैशाख १२ र २९ गते आएको अकल्पनीय र विनाशकारी भूकम्पले १४ जिल्लाका ८ हजार विद्यालयका २५ हजार कक्षा कोठाहरुमा क्षतिग्रस्त भएका भएका थिए । भूकम्प गएको...