The 3rd International Conference on Untouchability (12-13 May) 2016

The 3rd International Conference on Untouchability (12-13 May) 2016

We are pleased to announce the third World Conference on Untouchability (WCU) in Kathmandu, Nepal between 12-13 May in Hotel Hyatt Regency. IHEU organized the first conference in London-2009. Second and third conferences were organized in 2012 and 2013 in Kathmandu (please click here to find 2nd world conference’s report). As last year, National Dalit Commission of Nepal will be co-host of the conference.
The conference will start at 8 AM 12th May with the opening ceremony with huge participation of academicians, influential political leaders, media personnel, policy makers, bureaucrats, youth political leaders, members of parliament, civil society, dalit activists, human rights activists and international participants who have made significant effort on untouchability movement nationally as well as internationally. Untouchability, caste-based discrimination and dalit movement in the South Asian countries will be thoroughly discussed in the conference.The main objectives of organizing global conference is to bring all the academicians, activists, experts, law makers, victims and policy makers in same platform to pressurize authority against grave culture of untouchability which is “sinful” to human civilization. The conference will also provide the participants to share knowledge and experiences which can be eye opening to others.

This global conference will be scheduled for two days with keynote speakers, sharing of experience from Dalit activists and meeting with Asian Humanist Association.

Having above backdrop, SOCH Nepal invites all well wishers and interested persons from the world to participate on the conference. SOCH Nepal will provide you free accommodation and food during the conference.

Program Sessions: 1. Involving Dalits in Traditional Jobs2. Deer Farming for Dalit women3. How long a person remains Dalit ? (Even after having power, property and prosperity?)4. Comparison between Nepali and Indian Constitution for Dalit Rights5. Forms of untouchability in different corners of the world. 6. Formation of global Humanist alliance agains untouchability
Participants are: chair of Dalit commission, Nepal, MPs, journalists and social workers. Experts from India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Burma.

To apply, Please email us on (please put your full name; organization, contact email and phone on email)

We are looking forward to see you soon.
SOCH 1 4484777+9779851000085The 3rd International Conference on Untouchability 201616-17 April 2016KathmanduOrganized By:Global Alliance Against UntouchabilityIn collaboration with:Society for Humanism (SOCH) NepalNational Dalit CommissionSupported byInternational Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), Hivos

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