घुस खान्न दिन्न र सहन्न कार्यक्रम MA KHAANDINA CAMPAIGN SUMMARY REPORT

Date: September 8, 2017
Day: Friday

At the backdrop of immense voice against corruption, MA KHAANDINA campaign started in many parts of the country on 8th September, 2017. Society for Humanism (SOCH) Nepal strongly participated in anti-corruption campaign named “MA KHAANDINA” organized by the alliance of civil society organizations working on governance issues in Kathmandu valley. More than 100 participants participated in the campaign including members of civil society organizations, individuals, students and experts working on governance issues. 15 participants representing SOCH Nepal joined the campaign.
The following was the outline of the campaign and consolidated as follow:
MA KHAANDINA campaign in Kathmandu
Before the campaign kicked off, several round of discussions for the coordination in the campaign were carried out with IHRICON, GOGO FOUNDATION, INSEC NEPAL, Samjhauta Nepal, NGO Federation, Federation of Nepali Journalist, SOCH Nepal, Samudayik Sarathi, NGO Federation Stri Shakti, Equal Access and other civil society organizations working on the goverance issues. Participants displayed different placards showing the committent against corruption such as “Hami Bhrastachar ko Birodhi hau” and “Bhrastachar ko Birodh Maile Nagare Kasle Garcha “.
1. Gathering at Lalitpur Metropolitan Office at 10:00 AM
2. Provide attention seeking letter on zero tolerance on corruption to Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, Speaker of House of Representatives Onsari Gharti Magar, President of Nepali Congress Party, Chairperson of NCP UML, Chairperson of NCP Maobadi Kendra, Mayor-Kathmandu Metropolitan and Mayor- Lalitpur Metropolitan.
3. Confession from all dignitaries was taken for keeping everything under the zero tolerance on corruption.
4. Two city buses were rented for whole day where MA KHANDINA banners were mounted at all sides of bus.
Best Part
Early in the morning, every participant was really motivated on taking part in the initiative. They were concerned on how to make this event as a movement across the country throughout the year. This has given new impetus in the movement on anti-corruption.
The event started at 10:30 at Lalitpur Metropolitan office in the presence of Deputy Mayor Gita Satyal and all participants of the event. Coordinator of the campaign Kedar Khadka facilitated the event and Subodh Pyakurel of INSEC Nepal narrated the avowal. He read that the corruption level in Nepal is rampant and the different international standards measuring accountability and transparency rank Nepal in the bottom. The spirit of the attention seeking paper suggests that corruption is widespread in Nepal and politics, bureaucracy, police and legal sector are contributing extraordinarily for raising corruption in the country. This results into indirect burden of taxes to general people which ultimately guide country to a failure state. Corruption violates the the principle of rule of law and weakens the democracy and democratic institutions.
In her short speech, Deputy Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan, Gita Satyal promised to keep zero tolerance on corruption and she affirmed immediate action on whatever is done for those who misuse the authority while delivering services to the people.
The team reached to Nepali Congress party office at Sanepa at 11:30 and provided the avowal to central committee member Dhyan Govinda Ranjit. On behalf of representing all civil society organizations, the coordinator of the campaign Kedar Khadka read the letter in front of all campaigners. Mr. Ranjit assured that he and his party will seriously work on reducing the corruption level in the country. He said that good governance and monitoring committee in the parliament should be strengthened for effective service delivery in the country.
Some participants of the event went to the parliament to meet speaker Onsari Gharti Magar. Dr. Usha Jha of Samjhuta Nepal read the letter in the presence of speaker. As soon as Ms. Magar listened the content, she showed strong committment on reducing corruption. She promised for the joint initiative and said that she is willing to go hand in hand in the fight against corruption. She suggested that this movement should not end at any point of time and should be perpetual until the task is accomplished.
The team went to CPN, Maoist Centre at around 4:00 PM. Mr. Kedar Khadka read the letter in the presence of leaders of Maoist Center Mr. Lila Mani Pokhrel and Mr. Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal. On behalf of Maoist Center, he vowed that his party is committed to reducing corruption occuring at different forms in the country. He stated that party leaders are being corrupted day by day. And he promised solidarity against corruption.
MA KHAANDINA campaign in Gorkha
SOCH Nepal and Nagairk Sajha Sabal coordinated the campaign against corruption in Gorkha district. Before the day of the campaign, Mr. Mohasin Alimiya, SOCH Nepal’s district officer along with representative of NGO Federation conducted pre-campaign meeting with government officials, people representative and journalists. All of the participants were enthusiastic in this campaign and raisesd voice against corruption and showed solidarity for ending corruption. Every speaker said “Corruption is gradually distorting Nepali society and the gravity of corruption scandal is becoming serious every year”,
Participants from various walks of life including people representative, government officials and civil society members participated in the signature campaign and everybody strongly vowed to leap forward in maintianing zero tolerance for ending corruption to ensure good governance.
With the slogan of “Ma Khaadina, Dinna and Sahanna”, SOCH Nepal coordinated the campaign and campaigners representing INSEC Nepal, NGO Federation, Equal Access, Federation of Nepali Journalist (FNJ), Human Rights Network and other CBOs committed of not indulging in any kind of corruption.In the campaign, more than 150 people participated and showed strong committment to fight against corruption. Mayor of Gorkha Municipality, Rajan Raj Pant vowed to end corruptiion for ensuring good governance. The Chief District Officer Keshab Raj Sharma also said that he has been working for the elimination of corruption and he expressed that effective management will be done in smooth public service delivery in the district. The program followed with the speech of writer and senior journalist of Kantipur National daily, Mr. Hari Bahadhur Thapa. He recited the slogan of the great Pritivi Narayan Shah “Ghus Dinya ra Linya Dubai Desh Ko Shatru Hun”. He said that starting such campaign from Gorkha is a huge tribute to the late King Shah. The highlight of the campaign was powerful speech of Mr. Thapa who has been working against corruption for long period of time as a national reporter and recently published book on corruption named RAJGAJ.
MA KHAANDINA campaign in Okhaldhunga
SOCH Nepal’s district officer in Okhaldhunga Mr. Shiba Dhungana coordinated preliminary meeting with representative of NGO Federation Mr. Tika Gyawali along with other representative of non-government organizations and discussed strategies for ensuring participation of people representative and government officials in the MA KHAANDINA campaign.
Initially, the meeting with Mr. Ram Prasad Gyawali, Deputy CDO of Okhaldhunga was organized and the objectives of the campaign were shared. The pre-campaign meeting with government officials, people representatives and civil society organizations decided to meet in Okhaldhunga Bazar at noon on 8th September 2017. In the meeting people representatives, government official and civil society members agreed to sign for ending corruption. As per planning, the campaign began on time and collected signature with the commitment of ending the corruption to make sure that good governance is established in the district. With the slogan of Ghus Khanna, Dinna and Sahanna the campaign began.
In the program, Deputy Mayor of Siddicharan Municipality Ichchhaya Kumari Gurung expressed her commitment for ending the corruption in Siddhicharan Municipality. CDO of OKhaldhunga Janak Raj Panta said that person taking and giving bribe are equally responsible for promoting corruption and committed that he will be effectively working in maintaing good governance in the district.
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