
Humanist Model Village Program-2

SOCH Nepal implemented the Humanist Model Village Phase 2  program at Mahottari from 2011 to 2013 with the support of Growing Nepal Foundation (GNF). The project had identified most marginalized 40 Musahar Families. The program touches all walks of life from the community in health, education and income generation activities.

Mahottari Model village program

Mahottari Model village program is the program to make a sustainable village. SOCH Nepal with the help of GNI Australia has organized 33 dalit households of Mahottari district where development initiatives are taken with community participation.

Humanist Model Village Program

SOCH Nepal has a unique program of community development in which SOCH Nepal identifies the most marginalized Dalit village to implement self-owned community program. SOCH Nepal builds the community group to overall development in different sectors such as Education, Health and Income generation. The program is designed with their ideas and leadership. Community and SOCH Nepal together learns to grow and bring effective outputs. This program has become very successful in two districts. SOCH Nepal has replicated this program in...