
Nepal is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet; the scenery, the culture, and the humble people. Nepali society is a fine example of diversity, peace, and respect. As an under-developed nation situated between two of the world’s biggest economies, India and China, Nepal is an ideal country to volunteer. Furthermore, there is a wide range of volunteer opportunities available, from social world to technical contribution. The Society for Humanism (SOCH) Nepal is a leading non-governmental organization working towards social transformation in Nepal. Furthermore, leading international and national intellectuals are members of SOCH Nepal.

What can we offer you ?

Recreational Activities

You choose or we create an itinerary for you

 Trekking to see the views of the Himalayas or hiking through a vast array of sceneries

Visit Lakeside Pokhara

Visit Chitwan National Park

 City tour to see the magnificent sites of Kathmandu

 Visit Bhaktapur


Volunteering Activities

  • –  Teach a creative lesson in our school
  • –  Involve yourself in preparation for youth camps and attend the camps with the SOCH Nepal team
  • –  Proposal Writing and Fund raising
  • –  Administrative Work
  • –  Work with an intern to research and a create an innovative presentation for college students
  • –  Contribute to our website/facebook/youtube subscription
  • –  Visit a rural community with the SOCH team to assist in

current projects or create your own awareness or literacy program


Food and Accommodation

    • –  Clean, hot water, Wi-Fi, laundry and 24-hr access
    • –  Eat with family, cook separately or dine out
    • –  Variety of traditional Nepalese foods offered
    • Meals can be provided according to dietary  requirements 

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